Impostor Syndrome is a pervasive feeling of self-doubt, insecurity, or fraudulence despite often overwhelming evidence to the contrary.  Often described as something “normal” and an experience that “many go through” imposter syndrome impacts women, women of color and LGBTQ2IA individuals at disproportionate rates.  What if we stopped beating ourselves up for feeling less than and actually named the role of white supremacy and systemic oppression in our feelings of inadequacy?

In this workshop we will do just that!  Let’s stand in solidarity and discuss the impacts of racism, sexism and colonialism on our feelings of inadequacy and belonging.  Learn 4 steps to reframing Imposter Syndrome and walk away knowing that You Belong Where You Walk.  


  1. Examine the definition of Imposter Syndrome and reflect on your personal/professional experiences
  2.  Learn a 4-step strategy to address Imposter Syndrome 
  3.  Use an intersectional lens to evaluate systemic bias and oppression in the prevalence of Imposter Syndrome.

This course is approved for 1.5 CEs